Sunday, July 19, 2020

Babies that Survive: Which one are you?

Now, I was born at 22 weeks early and survived the ICN! this child stuns me!

If you look closely at what I posted, you will see a surviving baby. I was one of those! 

Please pray for all the babies out there to survive this horrible pandemic!! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How Do We Change the World? One baby saved at a time that's how

This group of friends doesn’t surprise me! I love them all so much! I hope you understand how much abortion affects me and affects you. I pray you understand that this true article is written to help you grasp that fact about babies. 
I am praying for all of you. I hope you understand how the unborn life matters. I wrote about this the other day. Please DO PRAY for the unborn because they matter just as much as you do. 
Please! Thank you. 

What Does God Mean When He Protects Life And Stands against abortion? Answer in this post!

I also protest against sin which includes abortion! I pray you are taught a valuable lesson on life. 
What will you do to become the culture changing Christian God wants you to be today?